Learning from the Spiritual Lives of Animals
IPPY National Gold Medalist
The Independent Publisher Book Awards honor the year’s best independently published titles from around the world. Animal Wisdom won the 2016 Gold Medal in the Animals/Pets category.
How is it that pets are able to travel thousands of miles through unknown territory to reunite with their beloved humans? How can dogs detect cancer with up to a 98 percent accuracy rate, and foresee epileptic or diabetic seizures in their owners? How do animals seem to know an earthquake is coming long before the world's best seismologists?
In Animal Wisdom, veterinarian and animal advocate Linda Bender offers a wealth of amazing stories and research-based evidence indicating animals have deeply perceptive—even extrasensory—abilities. She shows us that animals are extremely perceptive, intuitive, and psychic and provides step-by-step practices for honing your natural ability to communicate with them, so that you too can learn to understand their urgent messages about peace, happiness, and the future of the planet. Animal Wisdom is for animal lovers and anyone who seeks a deeper, more spiritual connection to these beautiful creatures.
Animal Wisdom is for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the innate loving, spiritual connection we share with animals and the interconnectedness of all life. Pet lovers, animal-rights advocates and conservationists alike will be deeply touched by this heartwarming book. A portion of the book proceeds will be donated to From the Heart, which funnels 100% of its profits to charities that directly benefit animals, their care and their habitats.
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Rave Reviews for "Animal Wisdom"
“Animal Wisdom is a thoughtful and inspired exploration of the ways in which animals, if we will but watch them and listen to them, can help us to live our lives more fully.” - Jane Goodall
“Animal Wisdom deepens our understanding of the sacred relationship between humans and animals.” - Deepak Chopra
"If you are one of those people who dearly wishes to make a meaningful difference in our challenging world and are hesitating simply because you haven’t stepped into your truth and courage yet, then this book will be an inspiration to you from the first word to the last, including stories that likely bring you to tears." - Linda Tucker, Global White Lion Protection Trust
"Linda Bender opens up a spiritual dimension of animals that many people feel intuitively but find hard to express. She is thoughtful, well- informed, and draws on a lifetime of experience, expressing her insights clearly and accessibly. This beautifully written book will inspire animal lovers and enrich their experience of animals' lives—and their own." ~ Rupert Sheldrake, author of Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home